A Unique Approach to Water Treatment

EL Water is


    1 part water “Detective”


    1 part water “Doctor”

  • New Project (1)

    1 part water “Teacher”

Boba tea with cream, flavoring, and ice: 80% water
Boba tea with cream, flavoring, and ice: 80% water

Assessing Water Supplier for Maintaining Quality

Before making any recommendations, we check out your water supplier.  We review their annual water quality (aka consumer confidence) report if we are unfamiliar with the municipality. Please note that the action level (AL) readings are for a contaminant that exceeds the requirements that a water system must follow, but this is regarding health, not scale or corrosion issues of equipment. 

If there is not enough data in these reports or some of the readings don’t align with the stated facility treatment, then we put on our detective hats and contact the municipality directly for assistance. If we are unable to confirm the facility's treatment, then we will draw our conclusions based on the evidence.

When you go to the doctor, do you walk into the exam room, tell the doctor you’re sick, and expect from there to be prescribed the perfect medication to effectively treat all your ailments? Absolutely not!! That would be impossible for the doctor to do. Yet, this is how, for decades, the water treatment industry has functioned. Install this treatment or that, all at your expense, of course, and hope something will work.  

Finally, we share our findings and explain to you in English, not “chemistry speak”, the recommendations we are suggesting for treating your water, equipment, and plumbing.